
Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work?

Solution - puzzle_640

Yes, we have seen wonderful results, even using ONLY phase 3. Our early research showed an average of 29% decrease in Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI, basically, irritation), and a 21% decrease in intensity for people who had a THI of 40 or greater before starting.

Will it work for ME?

1 in several crowd (work for me)

Maybe. Find out before you spend time and money. This answer has been a HIGH priority for our research team. We are happy to say that we can give a reasonably confident answer after you know your Tinnitus Recovery score.

How much time does it take?

Money - Time - Growth

This varies, depending upon how much work you need in each phase. Here are some averages. It is common to overlap the time of phases 1 and 2.

- Phase 1: Healthy Brain Lifestyle -- 30 days to start seeing changes as you apply Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other lifestyle habits.

- Phase 2: Muscle Care for Tinnitus -- 6 weeks to reach stability, as you perform self–TPT, TMJ care, and Posture training — explained clearly on videos, handouts, and audios.

- Phase 3: Auditory Discrimination Training - Synergistic (ADTs): 30 min per day for ~30 days. Listening to and answering questions about structured animal tones, approx. 1 octave below your tinnitus frequency.

How much does it cost?

Money - Time - Growth

$395 for the full Tinnitus Synergy program...a little more paid monthly... Less if you only need a part of the program.

More Questions?


You may call us: 1 (559) 635-8266

or email us:  Support@TinnitusSynergy.com

3 Phases of Tinnitus Synergy

Each phase is HIGHLY effective for certain people and all are helpful for almost everyone.
Healthy Brain Score

Healthy Brain Lifestyle

Record Sheet

Muscle Care

Tinnitus - ADT

Auditory Discrimination

You will start with the Tinnitus Recovery score.

Hours of R & D
People Helped
Countries Served
Avg T Reduction

Statistics as of 06-2018. People helped include research study, online Synergy purchases, in-office, and reported cases of recovery from YT videos.

For those of you who want more information..

More Details

  • Step 1: The Tinnitus Recovery scores come from the Healthy Brain & Muscle M.A.P.-t questionnaires, and are based on information from successful tinnitus treatment and brain health science, which analyze your tinnitus and hearing profile, lifestyle habits, and muscle condition.
  • Step 2: Don’t spend more time or money than necessary. Step 1 helps you choose 1 of 3 natural & effective tinnitus solutions, with 2 easy payment options: Tinnitus Synergy purchase info.
  • Step 3: Real people analyze your Step 1 answers to tailor the program for your success.

To start Step 1, get your Tinnitus Recovery scores -- Part 1, Part 2 -- and complete the Program Agreement.


For you academic types, here are more of the details of how the program came about.

Our research showed an average improvement of 28% for the first year of the study, improving to 39% in 2015.

You have been suffering for too long.

By the time most people have found us, they have been through all the conventional approaches of having, getting their ears checked and having an exam by their doctor.

Most people continue on to their hearing tested...which they usually find is somewhat or very diminished, but overall the evaluation shows no great abnormality.

Some people even continue on to have an MRI or their head. Those are all good things to do, but when nothing is found...

they start to look at you...,

well, a bit like you are making this stuff up...

like you have nothing better to do than waste your time and money talking about this sound from nowhere that is starting to drive you crazy!

So, let's settle this. You are not crazy. If you want to know the details about how this is a real, physical, neurological condition and how tinnitus really develops, check out this video that describes the common neurological mechanism for tinnitus related to hearing loss. We also now know that muscle trigger points are a VERY common cause of tinnitus.
here is a video series on MANY causes and attempted solutions for tinnitus


"I have been utilizing the Tinnitus Synergy Program that Dr. Hobbs offered for over a yearTestimonial - Eileem Lostetter now. It has made such a difference in the loudness and severity of my tinnitus. When I began the program I was very suspicious that this would work..." ...read more

The first question is "What are your needs?"

The vast majority of tinnitus cases are from:

  1. Changes in the brain after partial hearing loss
  2. Trigger Points in the Neck, Jaw, and Head muscles
  3. Unhealthy brain environment that makes treatments of #1 and #2 not respond well.

The program I am sharing with you incorporates self-help, online programs for all three. I just finished almost 3 years of research in showing the success of this approach. Certainly, qualified, local assistance in these approaches would be ideal, but if you don't have someone to help you apply these approaches, you can move forward, being confident that it has been effective for others without local help.

The solutions are not secret, but they are hidden.

In my studies as a chiropractic neurologist, I am always looking for natural approaches to conditions that I can help my patients with. As I started to research tinnitus, I found that there was good research that had been done that was reasonably effective in reducing the actual sound of tinnitus for sufferers. It wasn't just how to "deal with it better;" it was real change that was demonstrated on functional MRI images, before and after treatment -- Amazing!

fMRI of Brain or Tinnitus sufferer during ADT
fMRI of Brain or Tinnitus sufferer during ADT

The approaches most often studied are counseling (CBT) and Auditory Discrimination Therapy (ADT). Counseling is helpful and white noise generators can be helpful too, but they don't get to the root issue in the brain. ADT uses auditory exercises to train the brain by listening to sets of 2 tones and answering if they were the same or different. The process of ADT is different, but the neurology is almost identical to "notched music," the kind used by Neurmonics. There are quite a few studies published that have shown ADT to work. The ADT program challenges you to actively think about the tones. This seems to be the reason it gets results so quickly and lasts so long.

This difference between ACTIVE discrimination and PASSIVE listening was recorded in a study (see the picture above) and this research (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0026639).

So, I wondered why no one was making this widely available to the public...like it's a secret.

It's no secret; it's just that there's no money in it. These researchers have to live off of grant money. For example, I looked for the researcher who did one great study in Spain (C. Herraiz) in 2010, but in 2014 he was doing work on malignant transformation of tumor cells. There is much important work to do, and folks must make a living doing it. Well, I make a living helping patients in my office, so, I thought I could make time to develop a program that I could offer to my patients. I thought if I applied the full force of my functional neurology training, I could make this work even better. So, although the expert researchers had to move on before they could perfect the technique, I decided to take up the pursuit. As I looked deeper, I found that this solution should be shared with people everywhere, not just those that could come to my office.

It's no secret, unless you listen to the "experts."

"Tinnitus is the number one disability among Veterans and it affects at least one in every 10 American adults. ... The goal is not to silence tinnitus, because there is no cure. Rather, the goal is for patients to learn to self-manage their reactions to the tinnitus. " (http://www.va.gov/health/newsfeatures/20110524a.asp)

I expect, as people like you experience results with this program, the "experts" will start learning of the hope for real change that is available. Perhaps we should listen to people like Mark who actually went through our program.

I wanted to let you know that after participating in this study I have had noticeable relief and my tinnitus is less bothersome. I am very encouraged and I strongly recommend that anyone who is suffering with tinnitus participate. I would very much like the opportunity to continue with the training. If anyone would like to discuss this experience with me I would be happy to share my thoughts. Thank you. Best regards, Mark Shumow

It's no secret, but the solutions are hard to access due to technology imitations...at least until now. I quickly found many hurdles that the researchers had in making this available to a wider population. We had to find a way to make this program available to users online. But, if we did, would it work as well? That was the first part of the research. Here is the short version of what happened:

  1. We developed an online version of the proven/researched version of the Auditory Discrimination Therapy (ADT). Then we did online testing of it: It worked well.
  2. We tested several, distinct modifications of the original ADT in order to refine the therapy. The goal THI Reduction graph (2013-2015) - 2was to find the most effective approach that was also the most interesting, easiest, and most flexible for individuals with differing lifestyles, brain function, and tinnitus severity. We found the version that worked best. This is called ADT-Synergy(ADT-s). (We continue to work on making it better. I fully expect to reach an average improvement of well above 50% tinnitus reduction. I wouldn't say our program is "fun," but we have an effective version using nature sounds that everyone prefers over the pure tone sounds. If there is enough interest, we will even develop the game out of this program that we already have conceptualized.) For now, the first year of the study, our improvements were averaging 28%. In 2015, we averaged 39% improvement. This is exciting!
  3. Finally, we found the "Secret Sauce" that allowed some individuals to get more relief, more reduction in their tinnitus. Importantly, the 39% improvement did not even include these critical recommendations.


When I discovered I was having a problem the doctors informed me it is for life. At that time the loudness of the humming in my ear was so high I could not Weil, Tamar Tinnitus testimonialsleep at night. Thanks to the patient guidance of Dr. Jay Hobbs my condition has improved considerably. The overseas treatment I received continued thru time of war here in Israel, a stressful time by all means. The loudness got worse. Still on the program, I proceeded with the plan and it helped and lessened the intensity. Dr. Hobbs answered every email I sent within hours, always with a good word which makes me calmer. I'm very thankful to all you have done for me. I'm looking forward to continue the next level. I'm sure I can get even better thanks to Dr. Hobbs. --Tamar Weil, Israel

If you're tired of the talk, and you want to get started, you can purchase the program here:

(You will be redirected to a page on our site to register, but provide no financial information. Then you will be redirected to PayPal for a secure, encrypted purchase.)

If you have any trouble with the purchase going through, please give us a call so we can help. (559) 635-8266 or email: wholistic_health@sbcglobal.net

If you would like to see our ongoing video post about the latest in tinnitus research and treatment, see our YouTube channel:


The "Secret Sauce"

Different - Yellow umbrellaOkay, okay, it's still not really secret. In fact, it is quite common sense and obvious when you think about it, but it appears that no one is thinking about it for tinnitus sufferers.

This "common sense and obvious" information came in the form of 2 wonderful pieces of recently-published research on dementia REVERSAL (ref below). Dementia is is the memory loss that happens with folks with Alzheimer's, perhaps the most prominent brain diseases of our time....and, yes, I said REVERSAL of dementia. (But, let's be clear; no one is saying we can accomplish reversal of Alzheimer's yet. Nevertheless, is it clear that we can reverse some dementia and delay Alzheimer's significantly -- see my video on that.)

The point is that this research demonstrated that you can improve the function of the human brain in a short time by doing certain healthy habits. Brain - MRI scans of healthy children and teens shows 15 years of brain development ages 5–20 and the pruning process --NIMHRoot-IL-LibraryImages-High-prbrainmaturing


I developed the Healthy Brain Score and the Healthy Brain program by analyzing this research and correlating that with research on standardized questionnaires. This score is based on multiple criteria proven to affect brain health. The elements of the score include: Diet (incl. specific nutritional status & blood sugar), Physical Fitness, Mental Fitness, Stress, Sleep, and Gastrointestinal health.

Brain Nourishment Score

If you get a good score, it means your brain is being nourished well -- that it's fertile ground for healthy, growing, and rejuvenating neurons and neuron connections. Other research has shown a good Healthy Brain Score promotes health in the memory part of the brain (hippocampus). My research suggests that a good Healthy Brain Score also promotes health in the auditory part of the brain (brain stem and auditory cortex).

Now you see why this "secret" is really pretty obvious. What is nourishing for one part of the brain is nourishing for other parts as well.

When we got an average of 39% improvement, we were not having people begin with the Healthy Brain Program. We tracked who was already doing these things the best.

This seems to be a big part of the reason the ADT-s program for Tinnitus worked REALLY well for some people, but not everyone.

Now that the research is over, we can BEGIN our Tinnitus Synergy program with the Healthy Brain program.

This adds the "secret sauce" to the already effective tinnitus program.

After a few weeks of being certain that you are flooding the brain with nourishing energy and nutrients, we begin the ADT-s program.

These are the steps of the Tinnitus Synergy Program:

(Some people get satisfactory results during the Healthy Brain program or the Trigger Point Therapy before ever getting to the ADT-s. That's great. Not everyone must go through all the steps to get great results, but they do need to be done in order to get the best results.)

  1. Healthy Brain program (HBp)
    1. Fill out the Tinnitus Synergy Program Agreement (This is a preview page. After purchase, you will fill out the permanent one.)
    2. Check your:
      1. Full Healthy Brain score (to locate areas needing improvement) and
      2. THI score (to rate your suffering level)
    3. Apply the individual Healthy Brain programs that you need to work on (provided in audio and text formats)
    4. ongoing: Check the individual portions of the Healthy Brain score(HBs) that were problematic for you
    5. ongoing: THI score
    6. Score well on the Healthy Brain score for 4 weeks before moving on, but continue applying the lifestyle changes.
  2. Muscle Care (TPT) for Tinnitus
    1. Assess your Neck, Shoulder, Head/Jaw for Trigger points (using the self-evaluation video and worksheets provided)
    2. Begin Self-Trigger Point Therapy for Tinnitus (TPT-t)
    3. You may move on by adding the ADT-s before completing the TPT, but continue the TPT-t until resolved.
  3. Auditory Discrimination Therapy - Synergy (ADT-s)
    1. Assess your tinnitus frequency
    2. ADT-s program set assigned to you by Dr. Hobbs
    3. Train on ADT-s program

Until now, someone had to be a patient of mine to go through this 6-step process of assessing the problems and addressing it with solutions to nourish your brain. Now, with the Healthy Brain score questionnaire, you have access to this process without becoming a patient. In fact, you can fill it out and get your score without paying anything.

If you would like to do the full Tinnitus Synergy program, use the link below.

(You will be redirected to a page on our site to register, but provide no financial information. Then you will be redirected to PayPal for a secure, encrypted purchase.)

If you have any trouble with the purchase going through, please give us a call so we can help. (559) 635-8266 or email: wholistic_health@sbcglobal.net

So, what do you do now? What are your options?

Great question.

  1. Do nothing
  2. Do our full program
  3. Do part of our program. You may purchase only the Trigger Point Therapy for Tinnitus (TPT-t)
  4. Do someone else's program

We are not "the only game in town", but we strive to be the best. I often say, "If you can get the same thing for less somewhere else, you should go there." I'm a bit frugal that way in my own choices too. At the same time, if a product or service is superior, I'm willing to pay a premium for excellence.

I want to help you with some of the research to make your decision easier. First, I will define a couple concepts. Then, I will compare it to the most popular approach offered by audiologists. Really, Neuromonics is the only other program that has any published research or significance. Just because we are the best (in my opinion), does not mean we are the right choice for everyone. I have to say "in my opinion," because we haven't put all the programs up against each other in one research study.

When I say, "best", I am saying that, compared to other programs, I expect:

  • more tinnitus sufferers will get better, and
  • they will get better more quickly (60-90 days), and
  • they will have other health benefits from doing this holistic (brain & whole body) approach.

This belief is based on my own research and analyzing research findings about the other programs.

I'll give you the information clearly, and you make the choice you feel is best for you. Here are the components that are important to most people:

  • Results - How much improvement is to be expected, based on research?
  • Time to Results - How long do you have to train on the program to get significant results?
  • Time per Day - How many hours per day are required?
  • Method - What do I have to do?
Name Results Time to Results Time per Day Cost Method Category other
ADT - basic group 18-point THI decrease (mean THI decreased from 62 to 44) 37 days 30 minutes Free research Active Listening and responding ADT
Neuromonics 15-point THI decrease (mean THI decreased from 46 to 31) 6 months more than 2 hours /day $5,000 Passive Listening Notched Music Product Review by UCSF, & Detailed at AudiologyNOW! conference

So, the program we are now making available is the refinement of the ADT-Synergy subgroup(ADT-s), taking BEST OF THE BEST from our findings and making them available to more people.

But, even though we think it is the best, what matters is that YOU think it is the best. We want EVERYONE to be satisfied.

Learn, heal, and see the results in yourself. Most people get the bulk of the improvement they expected within 2 months, but you will have access for a full year. After that, if you need and want to continue with some form of maintenance, the ongoing access is just a small percentage of the first year's access.

Name Results Time to Results Time per Day Cost Method Category
Tinnitus Synergy 60-90 days

(30 for auditory portion)

30 minutes, at the most $500 Address what and how you Eat, Drink, Breathe, Think, Move, & Sleep

Evaluate for trigger points causing tinnitus (and headache)

Then, Listen to tones and answer questions

Access to Maintenance, if/as needed, for 6 months.

ADT + Lifestyle


  1. Do nothing
  2. Do our program
  3. Do someone else's program

(You will be redirected to a page on our site to register, but provide no financial information. Then you will be redirected to PayPal for a secure, encrypted purchase.)

If you have any trouble with the purchase going through, please give us a call so we can help. (559) 635-8266 or email: wholistic_health@sbcglobal.net


