Cleanse Your Whole Body 
To “Cleanse” means to clean out. This involves what you Eat, Drink, Breathe, and how you Think, Move and Sleep. It is living in a way that supports brain (and whole body) health. It means addressing what goes in to your body and mind in order to support the natural growth, maintenance, and restoration of the body and mind. The spirit is also intertwined, but in this cleanse, we only address the physical and mental influences.
For the most common US cancers, about one third of the cases are preventable through a healthy diet, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight. For the most common US cancers, about one third of the cases are preventable through a healthy diet, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight. (1)
The Cleanse program is both less and more than the Healthy Brain program.
- It is less, in that it does not include all of the the individual program scoring access and as much explanation as is found in the individual programs.
- It is more, it that it integrates all of them, to some degree, into a package. Also, includes the entire Return to Quality Food program.
Once you have purchased the subscription to “Cleanse” or the more encompassing programs: the Healthy Brain program (HBp) or the full Tinnitus Synergy program, the full program will be accessible on this page.
So you can get a taste of the information, here is the full Introduction to Cleansing, including testimonials from some people who went through the cleanse.
Getting Prepared for the Cleanse
- If you haven’t watched or listened to the “Introduction”, please do that first.
- You open/download the accompanying slides by clicking on the link with “SLIDES” in the title.  Have those printed out or view them on the screen as you listen to the audio.
- Open/Download the Cleanse Booklet Instructions – This has the education for knowing how to do the cleanse  It is referred to during the audios, but is used frequently during the cleanse.Â
- Open/Download the Cleanse Recipes & Shopping List –Â This is so you can have all the food available BEFORE you begin the cleanse and know the simple recipes as you go along.
- Open/Download the Cleanse Workbook – Daily Plans –Â This gives you the step-by-step instructions food and activities throughout each day
- At least a few day before you plan on starting the cleanse, Open/Download “Presentation #2”, “Week 1” SLIDES and listen to the accompanying audio.  (see below) .  Â
Presentation #1 – Introduction
Central Valley Cleanse Introduction SLIDES – This give you information about what a cleanse is and what makes one type better than another.  Also, “Why Cleanse” and what are the elements important in a “Good cleanse.”  Use that link to open the pdf document of the slides to follow along with during the audio presentation.  You can print it out, download it for later reference, or simply follow along online as you play the audio below.
Here is the introduction in video form (3 videos total).
There is sooo… much great information in these audios. I will list the topics covered so you can get an idea of what you will learn.
If you wish to use the recommended supplements we use with our patients on the cleanse, please visit:

The primary nutrients are UltraClear Plus, Arctic Cod Liver Oil (caps or liquid), and UltraFlora (Spectrum or Balance)
Presentation #2 – before first week of cleanse
Week 1 – Central Valley Cleanse SLIDESÂ –Â This information walks you through the Central Valley Cleanse material so that you know how to find you way through it easily. Â There is a LOT of INFORMATION in the documents. Â Use this audio to make it clear and simple. Â Preparation is the key to success.
Week 1Â – Central Valley Cleanse AUDIO
- What Does the Liver Really Do?
- Solution to Toxicity #1: Provide Key Nutrients to Process the Increased Load
- The SAD plan (Standard American Diet) is failing us
(As we give you solutions, we show you how to use the workbook to apply them.)
- Solution to Toxicity #2: decrease the Load of Incoming Toxins
- What we Eat, Drink, Breathe
- Modified Fast & Metabolic Cleansing food
- The Logic Behind Eliminating Certain Foods
- How to Get some Pleasure in Eating when Eliminating some Treasures
- How we Sleep and Breathe
- Prepare to Sleep & Clean out the Pathways
- Diaphragm Breathing
- Sinus Steam
- Raustral Rinse
- Essential Oil Bath
- Modified Fast & Metabolic Cleansing food
- How we Move: Postural and Lack-of-Use (Atrophy) Stress
- Therapeutic Self-Massage
- Crunches, Sit-ups, & Aerobic exercise
- How we Perceive and React (the Mind)
- How to Focus on What is Good
- How to Clearly Identify YOUR Purpose
Presentation #3 – before 2nd week of Cleanse
Week 2 – Central Valley Cleanse SLIDES – Now is the time to start going deeper and in your learning and application of how to fully cleanse your whole body.  It is so much more than what you eat.  Choose what you can reasonably do this time, and come back later to apply more.
Week 2Â – Central Valley Cleanse AUDIO
- Last Week and the Upcoming Week on the Cleanse
- How We Perceive and React (continued)
- What are you Watering in your Life?
- Clarity of Purpose through Perception and Response
- How to Clearly Identify Your Purpose
- How to Live Consistent with Your Purpose
- Distinguish “Wants” from “Priorities”
- Face Worry Head-on
- Get [the correct] Perspective
- Look for the Positive and don’t Exaggerate Importance of Negative
- Cooperate with the Inevitable
- Get Rid of the Dark with the Light
- Whole-body Movement routine
- Brain Chemical Solutions
- Media Fast: Avoid Mental & Emotional Toxicity
- Identify Reactions when you Reintroduce foods
Presentation #4 – before 3rd (last) week of Cleanse
Week 3 – Central Valley Cleanse SLIDES – So, you are done, well at least you are on the home stretch…what now?  Let’s learn a little more about how to do this cleansing in ‘real time.’  Learn some about reading labels and how to filter out the unnecessary stress of life.
Week 3 – Central Valley Cleanse AUDIO
- Last Week and the Upcoming Week on the Cleanse
- Reading Food Labels
- Priority Planning
- Effective Relationships #1
- Effective Relationships #2
Presentation #5 – AFTER the Cleanse…What now?
Living out a cleansing lifestyle takes some more understanding of why and who to do things. That is why we developed the Return to Quality Food program.
- Jump on over to the dedicated page for this program to see all you get access to be able to implement all the you benefited from in the Cleanse program.
References: (MANY references available on our Research page.)
- American Institute for Cancer Research, sharing how Diet, Exercise and Weight Mgmt prevent many cancers:
Note about downloading these audios: If you like, you can download these mp3 files to your computer to put on any device by clicking the down arrow next to each audio track. As of late 2015, Microsoft Edge browser will download, but they have added an extra step you must do. Next, select the 3 dots “…”, then “Open with Internet Explorer.” That will bring up a window that lets you download the file.
**Use a 2-finger scroll or mouse wheel to see each track so that you can select & download them to your device from the player. (Let us know if you have trouble.)