Tinnitus Synergy Program Agreement PREVIEW

This is a copy of the Description and Disclaimer for the Tinnitus Synergy program.  You will be asked to agree to this exact information before beginning the program, but after paying for it; so, please read this carefully now. 

Purpose and Procedures: The Tinnitus Synergy program (“program”) is a multi-domain approach to help people reduce their tinnitus through education and techniques that address Muscle Trigger Points, Auditory Brain Maladaptation, Diet, Stress Reduction, Sleep Improvement, Physical Exercise, Mental Exercise, Gastrointestinal Health, Toxicity Reduction, and Supplementation.
You will be given access to information online and informed about how others have used this information successfully to improve brain function and reduce their tinnitus.

If you agree to take part in this program, you will be gradually given information about what step you are ready to progress to next. We base these recommendations off of research that has demonstrated effective approaches in improving brain function and reducing tinnitus in others. The information is provided gradually in order to help people maximize the potential benefits.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Tinnitus Synergy program is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for any disease or symptom. Participants should not attempt self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any kind, and should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician with whom you have a doctor-patient relationship. Dr. Hobbs, DC, Tinnitus Synergy, and any of its employees disclaim any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and application of the contents of this program. Participation in this program does not establish a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Hobbs. Only seeing him as a patient in his physical office will do that.  If you are unwilling to be bound by this disclaimer, you should not continue.

Risks and Benefits:  Tinnitus is influenced by a number of factors out of our control.  As seen with others who have improved in previous studies, you may experience temporary worsening of your tinnitus at some stage in the program. If you complete the program, there is a great likelihood that you will have a reduction in your tinnitus, beyond merely reducing your awareness of the tinnitus.

– Previous studies using only the auditory training (ADT) portion provided an average of 27% in tinnitus reduction (based on THI score) in less than 1/2 (40%) of the participants.

– Our research, applying only one portion (ADT) of the Tinnitus Synergy program the first year of the study, our improvements were averaging 28%. In 2015, we averaged 39% improvement (based on THI score). This is exciting!

– Some people had a mild increase in tinnitus during the ADT phase of the program that subsided with continued auditory training, reduced stress, or less intense auditory training.

 If your tinnitus stays worse, because you discontinued early or for any other reason related or unrelated to this program, you will not be compensated or provided different treatment to resolve this.

Alternative Procedures/Treatments: The most common treatment for tinnitus is counseling or sound-producing devices to help with coping. Hearing aids or cochlear implants may be helpful and “Notched music” has shown results.

Conventional evaluation of tinnitus should be performed before doing Tinnitus Synergy.

Conventional evaluation and treatment include:

Clinicians should (a) perform a targeted history and physical examination at the initial evaluation of a patient with presumed primary tinnitus to identify conditions that if promptly identified and managed may relieve tinnitus; (b) obtain a prompt, comprehensive audiologic examination in patients with tinnitus that is unilateral, persistent (≥ 6 months), or associated with hearing difficulties; (c) distinguish patients with bothersome tinnitus of recent onset from those with persistent symptoms (≥ 6 months) to prioritize intervention and facilitate discussions about natural history and follow-up care; (d) educate patients with persistent, bothersome tinnitus about management strategies; (e) recommend a hearing aid evaluation for patients who have persistent, bothersome tinnitus associated with documented hearing loss; and (f) recommend cognitive behavioral therapy to patients with persistent, bothersome tinnitus.

(Recommendations taken from: Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Oct;151(2 Suppl):S1-S40

Confidentiality and Authorization to use results in research:  As a participant in this program, you authorize the results to be used in research. In the event of publication of this research, no personally identifying information will be disclosed and no compensation will be provided.

Who to Contact with Questions: Questions about this program should be directed to Jay Hobbs, DC, DACNB or Anna at (559) 635-8266 or email to wholistic_health@sbcglobal.net.

Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee: The purpose of giving you this program information is to reduce your suffering.  If you do not feel that you are satisfied with the information and results you have received, you may ask for a full refund, which we will provide within 2 weeks, or as soon as reasonable.  Since this is a “satisfaction” guarantee, you do not have to demonstrate the lack of results.

I certify that I am 18 years or older and have read (or heard) this form and choose to participate in this program.  (If you are younger, you may have a guardian authorize this for you.)
