Understand Your Tinnitus MORE

Brain Causes of Tinnitus

Tinnitus and the Brain VIDEO – 15-min video showing How & Why tinnitus develops and how ADT-s therapy works.

If you have made it to this page, you already know that tinnitus is a really irritating sound (to say the least) that you truly ‘hear,’ in the absence of any outside sound. It may come in the form of hissing, buzzing, squealing, whining, clicking, or popping noises, but we’ll call it ringing or noise.

You also have likely learned the numerous management techniques. These are important and useful, but they are not getting to the cause like the Tinnitus Synergy does.

If you don’t already know what the standard management techniques are, its worth knowing, because if your tinnitus is severe, you will likely still need these to some degree.

Now, what about the CAUSES? Well, before we get to the new stuff that is as simple as it is genius, let’s cover some of the common causes that are ’emergency’ medical conditions.  These really need to be considered as soon as you notice tinnitus and until you have proven them to not be contributing to your tinnitus. We call this class of conditions “The Scaries.”

The ‘Scaries’

This is some of the latest information to help clinicians identify, treat and help patients manage this debilitating condition, published in 2014
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Oct;151(2 Suppl):S1-S40.

In some cases, underlying conditions — infections, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, diabetes or autoimmune disorders — contribute to tinnitus and may be treated with medication, thereby resolving the problem.

There are medications, known to be ototoxic, or damaging to the ear, which also may make tinnitus worse, such as some chemotherapy agents, diuretics, anticonvulsants or medications containing a large amount of quinine. When possible, patients should be given alternative medications that do not contribute to hearing loss or tinnitus.

If no treatable underlying cause of tinnitus is found, the researchers advise physicians to start a comprehensive tinnitus management program.

Hold the Phone!!
Yes, yes, it is critical that underlying conditions and medications are carefully considered, but after that, simply ‘managing‘ is NOT
the End of the Story.

What Causes the Noise (Tinnitus)?

After you rule out conditions like uncommon tumors and medications as the cause, there are conditions that can be improved or fixed that cause tinnitus.  That’s what this program is all about. Here are the 2 most popularly-understood causes of tinnitus.

1) You lose some of your hearing, then the tinnitus begins. This is the beginning of most people’s tinnitus. Contrary to most people’s perception, it is not just a continuation of the ringing that occurs when you hear a loud noise.

2) Your brain adapts to the lack of stimulation. This is a bit tricky to explain, but it is at the root of the cause. “When the cat is away, the mice will play.” You still have good brain tissue, but the nerve endings that used to work are no longer able to transmit the sensation of hearing that part of the brain is designed to respond to. The nerves take a couple stops before they get to the part of the brain where we finally perceive sounds. This is a picture of the full pathway and this is a picture of exactly where the nerves end in the brain. So, you’ve got good brain and no stimulation. We don’t know what happens at the stops along the way (cochlear nucleus, inferior colliculus, and thalamus), but we have seen on special MRI images (fMRI) that the brain begins to reorganize up in your cerebral cortex, the last stop. (See the research – Eur Arch Otorhinolarygol (2009):9-16.)

THI Reduction graph (2013-2015) - 2

Can Tinnitus be Reversed ONLINE?

Our research, address the cause at this point with the Auditory Discrimination Therapy-Synergy version (ADT-s):  We tested several ONLINE, distinct modifications of the original ADT.  Over the duration of the study, our improvements in THI scores were averaging 28%. In 2015, we averaged 39% improvement. 

1 more cause and some predisposing factors you should be aware of:

3) TMJD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) or cervical joint dysfunction (subluxation) and the trigger points in the related muscles can cause or worsen tinnitus. The muscle part of these dysfunctions can be helped quite a bit by Trigger Point Therapy (TPT).  This is why we developed the self-help Muscle Care for tinnitus program (MC-t).  TPT is doing little circular massage on the muscles to remove the toxins that have built up. Spinal Adjustments are helpful in correcting joint dysfunction (subluxation).  For subluxations, we have no self-help program.  You need a chiropractor for that.

4) An Unhealthy Brain Environment – This is probably does not cause tinnitus, but it can make it harder for it to go away.  This is why we developed the comprehensive, self-help Healthy Brain program.  Here we address what you Eat, Drink, Breathe, How you Move, Think, and Sleep, as well as Intestinal Health.

5) Psychology, part of the “brain environment,” are frequent contributors to tinnitus and “Treatment of [depression], anxiety, and sleeping disorders is mandatory previously of simultaneously to our management if we want to get any improvement.” (See the research – Eur Arch Otorhinolarygol (2009):9-16.)

That is a long answer to “What causes tinnitus.”  No you understand why so few doctors know of a solution.  The reason conventional medical practice doesn’t embrace this has many possible answers, but it main answer is likely similar to it’s being slow to embrace other natural approaches that do not involve drugs and surgery.  Additionally, as with Dementia, Fibromyalgia, PTSD, and other complex disorders no single approach is effective. Research typically only addresses treatment with a single factor at once, because that provides CLEAN data analysis.  Life is not clean.

If we approach tinnitus realistically, with a multi-modal (holistic, synergistic) approach, there is hope and healing available.
